Friday, August 30, 2013

We're Moving To A New Site

The Peace Love Story Fest has a new website!

We will be transitioning all content over the next few months, but in the meantime.....

check out our new look 

purchase your tickets for the 2013 Fest 
please share with your friends

Like Peace Love Story Fest on Facebook

Saturday, July 20, 2013

3 Great Reasons to Attend the Peace Love Story Fest

We're excited about the 2013 Peace Love Story Fest!

The plans for the day and a half festival are really coming together and will be sent out very soon.  

You can be a big part of bringing this to our entire community and we are counting on your help.

When someone asks why they shouldn't miss this festival, please tell them...

We showcase exciting talent

We bring professional storytellers and musicians to the stage who entertain and inspire. Storytelling is a full contact sport and our motto is "no imagination left behind."

We host fun family activities

Story Swaps and workshops throughout the day offer ample opportunity for everyone to share their stories, to truly speak from the heart and to play in our workshops.

We bring our community together

All ages flock to the festival and there's something for everyone. The festival blends diversity with universality. More than being in this community, you are invited to BE this community.  

Co-directors, Zette Harbour & Grisel Puig Snider

Ways to help:
Share our story, sign up for our emails, and find out how to become a community partner. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Peace Love Story Fest 2013

We have lots of great news for the 2013 festival! 

The theme for this year's Peace Love Story Fest is  
transforming community.

Thanks to the beautiful energy of a Los Osos jewel, Grisel Puig-Snider, we have an engaged, connected community that sees storytelling as a powerful community-building vehicle. It began with a trip to Whiz Kids Toys (doesn't everything?). 

It was there that I learned about Grisel's search for a storyteller. We met, shared our visions for storytelling and, lo and behold, they were a perfect match! 

We began by holding an invitation-only storytelling evening at the Puig-Snider home. It was pretty difficult keeping it to only 60 people and it was a magical event. The families who attended added energy and joy to the mix. We all agreed to do it again, and everyone felt that storytelling was an essential ingredient in bringing people together to create a stronger community.

Over the past few months, Grisel has been sharing the story of the PLSF everywhere she goes, and let me tell you, this woman is a powerful storyteller. :)

So, now we have 2 enthusiastic community partners: 

Hope Merkle of Los Osos Valley Nursery,

and the South Bay Community Center

The 2013 Peace Love Story Fest will take place over 2 days. Saturday, October 19 and Sunday, October 20.

We'll post more details as we go along, and remember to sign up on our email list to receive PLSF updates, ticket sales, and more!